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[Pain Management NYC] 7 Things That Stop Shoulder Pain Sufferers From Living Their Best Life

Updated: Jun 26

management for shoulder pain

If you've ever suffered from painful shoulders, then you know just how debilitating it can be. There are a lot of different kinds of pain associated with the shoulder, and it requires a lot of different ways to fix it. Pulled muscles, pinched nerves, and frozen shoulders are just a few conditions that cause shoulder pain.

Many of these problems aren't physical, but they're still affecting your life, and it can be difficult to tell what's going on if you're in the midst of dealing with multiple issues at the same time.

This is why our pain management NYC center uses an integrated approach that involves different types of treatments. Alongside advice on lifestyle changes for your long-term success in living a pain-free and high-performing life. This article is about the difficulties associated with living with shoulder pain that can affect your overall health and quality of life.

1. Constant and Nagging Ache

If you have shoulder pain, it can make you feel like you're always in a sling — even if you haven't injured your shoulder recently. The pain can keep you from sleeping well or doing normal activities because it becomes a constant reminder that something isn't right with your body.

The nagging ache with shoulder pain is enough to take your mind off almost anything else. It can be extremely annoying and difficult to deal with, especially if you have other responsibilities that require the use of your upper body (like driving). If it's not treated properly, it can even make simple everyday tasks difficult or impossible.

shoulder pain injury

2. The Fear of Re-Injury

It can be hard to get back into physical activity without worrying about hurting yourself again when you've had an injury in the past. Pain is a very real problem for many people who have suffered from a shoulder injury. It can be difficult to relax when you know that there is a chance that you might feel pain at any moment. This can lead to tension and anxiety, which also causes pain in itself and prevents sufferers from enjoying their lives as much as possible.

If you've had a previous injury or surgery on your shoulder and are worried about injuring yourself again, then it's time to get professional help with your recovery process so that you can move forward without fear of re-injury.

Our physical therapist will help guide you through proper exercises and stretches so that they are effective at treating your condition while still being safe enough for everyday use once treatment ends.

3. Relying on Painkillers

Taking painkillers is a quick fix for those who don't know how to deal with chronic pain conditions. But these medications can be addictive and have side effects that aren't good for you. Luckily, there are many treatments available for treating your pain. It's important to talk with your healthcare provider about other options for dealing with your discomfort.

4. Not Being Able to Do What You Used to Love

When you have chronic shoulder pain, it's not just about the pain and discomfort. It can be hard to get back into activities that used to bring you joy and satisfaction in life. Whether playing sports or spending time with friends and family, every activity becomes a struggle when your muscles are weak and tense from too much activity or insufficient rest.

experiencing shoulder pain while working

One of the most common shoulder problems is shoulder impingement syndrome, which occurs when one or more of your shoulder bones rubs against a bony area of your shoulder joint. This can cause pain in your shoulder and make it difficult to move your arm.

If you've been diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear, labral tear, or other injuries, it can be hard to continue doing what you love without feeling pain. For example, if you have a rotator cuff tear, you might not be able to lift heavy objects without feeling discomfort in your shoulder joint. The inability to do basic tasks like these can make it difficult for people who suffer from these types of injuries to get through their day-to-day lives.

Unfortunately, many people who suffer from this condition are often too embarrassed to seek treatment because they're afraid they'll be labeled as having some type of weakness or deformity by other people. They may also feel like they need to hide their condition from their employer because they don't want others to think they're unproductive or unable to handle their job duties.

5. Not Wanting to Tell Others

It's no secret that most people don't want to admit they're in pain. When it comes to shoulder pain, there are so many things that can make it difficult for people to talk about their condition — even if they know they should.

Shoulder pain can make it difficult for people to do simple tasks such as driving or grocery shopping. This makes it difficult for them to go out in public without drawing attention to themselves and potentially to have someone ask them about their pain. While some of us are more open about our medical issues than others, the truth is that everyone goes through some sort of physical or mental health issue at one point or another.

You may not want other people to know about your condition because:

  • You fear what they might think about you.

  • You're worried about being judged by them or someone else who hears about it.

  • They might not take your condition seriously and think you're just making excuses for yourself.

  • It may feel like no one will understand what you're going through or give you the support you need during this difficult time in your life.

6. Failing to See A Specialist

Shoulder pain may be related to an underlying condition such as arthritis. If you've been experiencing shoulder pain for more than two weeks, it's important to see a pain doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal conditions for an evaluation.

You should also see your doctor if the pain is severe enough that it keeps you from doing your daily activities or if it's accompanied by swelling or redness in the area around the joint. You need an expert who knows what's wrong with your shoulder and how to fix it.

shoulder pain problem

7. Ignoring the Problem

The first step to getting a handle on a nagging shoulder problem is the admission that you have a problem. Accepting that your shoulder is causing you problems is the first and most important step in beginning the rehabilitation process. Depending on what caused your shoulder pain, you may need different treatment strategies. Once you start your shoulder pain treatment plan, you'll begin to feel better and will be able to do things again.

Shoulder Pain Should Never Be A Constant Companion

It's up to you to improve your quality of life and eliminate this pain. Set a goal for yourself and focus on reaching it instead of dwelling on where your situation is now. If you're experiencing shoulder pain, please speak with a pain specialist to ensure there's no serious underlying issue.

Just remember to stick with your treatment plan. The road to recovery may be long and difficult. You've got to be dedicated, persistent, and optimistic to succeed. It may take time for these to form and start working properly. And above all, remember to listen to your body.

The experts at our pain management NYC center want nothing more than to help you get your life back. If you need help to relieve your shoulder pain, feel free to give us a call today!


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