Your hands are one of the most important tools in your body. You use them to work, play, eat and even type. As a result, they can get very tired and sore if you overwork them. In addition, you may find that your hands hurt after using them for an extended period of time or even after performing small tasks such as typing or gripping something tightly for an extended time.
In this article, we will discuss some of the most common symptoms associated with overworked hands. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for someone to experience pain in their fingers, hand, or wrist. Overworked hands strike many individuals of all ages and professions and can cause a number of other related problems that require treatment from a New York pain management specialist.
Hand Fatigue
If your hands, wrists, and arms are feeling tired, it could be a sign that you're overworked. Hand fatigue is a condition that affects many people who spend long hours using their hands. Unfortunately, the muscles and joints of the hands are often overlooked when it comes to the potential for injury or pain. If you find yourself constantly experiencing pain in your hands, it's time to get them checked out by a health professional.
Hand fatigue can be caused by several factors, including:
• Repetitive motion injuries
• Lack of proper rest between work sessions
• Use of improper tools or equipment
• Poor posture
• Incorrect body mechanics during exercise

Pain in the Hand
This is the most common symptom of overuse injury. This pain can be sharp or dull and usually occurs in the fingers and wrists. It can be caused by pressure on nerves, tendons, or joints. If you're experiencing pain in your hands, it's important to speak with a pain doctor or physical therapist to get an accurate diagnosis so you can start treating the source of the problem.
Numbness in the Hands and Fingers
When you're working long hours on the computer or holding something too tightly for too long, this can cause numbness in your fingers. You'll feel weakness or tingling sensations in your fingers, which indicates that there is something wrong with them.
It's one of the most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome — numbness or tingling in the palm side of one or both hands due to compression of a median nerve within its tunnel at wrist level.
Fingers Won't Straighten Fully
Fingers that won't straighten fully are another symptom of overworked hands. The inability to straighten fingers will make it difficult to grasp objects or use tools properly. This symptom is often accompanied by joint pain in the fingers or wrists.
Weakness in Hand or Arm
Weakness in grip is another symptom associated with overworked hands. Hands that are weak can cause problems when picking up heavy items or performing tasks that require strength from both hands simultaneously.
Your hand may not be able to grip as tightly as it used to and may feel weak when holding things like pens and pencils. This is because overworking your hands can cause muscle fatigue in your forearm and upper arm muscles, making them less effective at gripping objects with force (such as when writing).
Swelling in the Fingers or Palms
You may notice your ring finger getting larger than normal (edema). This is caused by water retention and can result from a number of things, including stress or injury.
Aches and Stiffness
If you've been typing or using a computer mouse all day, your fingers might be feeling stiff and sore. That's because these actions put pressure on the nerves in your hand and wrist. As a result, you may have difficulty moving your hands or fingers.

Waking Up with a Stiff Hand
Stiffness in the morning is a classic sign of overworked hands. This happens because your body is trying to get rid of the excess fluid that accumulates during the night. If you have been doing housework or typing at work, this could be one of the first symptoms that you experience.
If you notice these symptoms several mornings per week or are experiencing any other issues with your hands that aren't improving, see a pain doctor for an evaluation and treatment right away to prevent further complications.
Tingling Sensation in Your Fingers and Hands
Another classic symptom is a tingling sensation in your fingers and hands. This usually occurs when you have been performing repetitive tasks such as typing, working with tools, and doing household chores for too long without taking a break. The tingling feeling indicates that there is too much pressure on your nerves and muscles, which leads to a loss of blood circulation in these areas.
If your fingers cramp up at night when typing on the computer or playing video games all day, this may be another sign that your hands are overworked. Cramping is typically a sign that there is not enough blood flow in your fingers and toes after prolonged periods of use. It's also worth noting that people who sit at desks all day experience more cramping than those who stand or walk around often during their days.
You Have Feelings of Sadness or Helplessness
It's normal to feel tired when you have been working on something all day long, but if you start feeling sad and helpless because of this, then there is a problem. Overworked hands can cause emotional stress, which can lead to depression. If this happens frequently, then it's time to see a pain specialist.

Seek Treatment Right Away
In today's busy world, we're often tempted to ignore or push aside the aches and pains that come from overworked hands. But if you find yourself experiencing any of these common symptoms, it's time to take action.
Wrist pain, hand and finger numbness, hand swelling, and stiffness can all be caused by stress, overwork, repetitive motions, or injury. If these symptoms are ignored, they could worsen and become more serious over time.
Remember that if your pain is severe and persists for more than a few days, it's important to get in to see a New York pain management specialist. With a number of treatment options currently available, you will be able to reduce your hand pain.