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[Manhattan Pain Management] 6 Factors That Can Trigger Your Chronic Pain

Updated: Jun 26

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Chronic pain is becoming more and more common, with one in ten people suffering from this horrible condition every day of their lives. Chronic pain can immobilize you. It can leave you tired, frustrated, and feeling like giving up.

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts more than three months and can have many different causes. But a lot of chronic pain sufferers can find relief by identifying the factors that could be contributing to their condition, making the pain worse, and learning how to manage them.

That's what this blog is all about. Our Manhattan pain management center aims to help you become aware of the common trigger factors of chronic pain to better manage your pain and give you the courage to face it.

1. Weather

The weather can be a trigger for chronic pain. Some people find that the change in temperature causes their muscles to tense up and their joints to become stiffer. This can make it harder for them to move around and exercise during cold winter months.

If you have arthritis or another condition that causes joint pain, changing temperatures can also worsen your symptoms. For example, if you have fibromyalgia or arthritis, you may find that cold weather makes your symptoms worse. This is because the cold air causes blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow to the muscles and joints.

The reduced blood flow can cause swelling in tissues and muscles, which causes more pain and stiffness. The skin may also feel more sensitive to touch in cold weather. In addition to worsening symptoms, weather changes may also cause flare-ups of other conditions like migraines or irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Stress

There are many different types of chronic pain, such as lower back pain and osteoarthritis. Some people with chronic pain can manage it with self-care techniques and medication, but others need additional therapies like physiotherapy or psychotherapy. In addition to treating the physical symptoms of chronic pain, it's important to address any emotional issues that may be causing or contributing to your pain.

Stress can be a major trigger for chronic pain. The stress response is a natural response that takes place when we feel threatened, or our lives are in danger. When you are aware of the activities and situations that cause you to feel stressed, you can take steps to avoid them or handle them more effectively. In order to do this, however, it's important first to understand what causes you stress and how it affects your body. Identifying the stress triggers that contribute to your chronic pain can help you manage it more effectively.

woman in stress

Stressors include any factor that has a negative impact on your life. Some of the most common stressors include:

• Work and job responsibilities

• Relationship problems

• Financial worries

• Chronic illness or injury

• Injury or surgery

• Traumatic events such as abuse or natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes

3. Lack of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health and wellness, including mental health, but it's also important for managing chronic pain. When you're well-rested, you're less likely to develop chronic pain and more likely to feel better during the day. Lack of sleep can make the pain worse by increasing inflammation and muscle tension, which are both contributors to both acute and chronic pain.

Not getting enough sleep each night can make you more likely to experience chronic pain. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 6 hours per night are more prone to pain than those who get 8 hours or more each night.

Sleep deprivation also changes how your brain responds to pain signals, making you more sensitive to them. And when you're in pain, even minor movements can cause significant discomfort — so it's important to start treating your chronic pain as soon as possible.

4. Inactivity

One common factor for chronic pain is inactivity. This does not mean that being inactive will cause you to experience pain. However, if you already have some kind of health condition or injury, staying active may help reduce your chances of developing further problems.

Inactivity can cause muscles to weaken and become stiffer over time. As a result, it may become more difficult to move around without experiencing any discomfort or pain. This can lead to more serious issues like muscle atrophy and osteoporosis if left untreated over time.

If you are inactive for long periods of time, it can lead to joint stiffness, muscle tightness, and poor circulation — all of which can contribute to chronic pain. Regular exercise can help prevent this from occurring.

exercise program

5. Being Overweight

If you're overweight, you may have to deal with chronic pain. Being overweight puts a lot of extra stress on your joints, which can cause arthritis and other joint problems that make it difficult to move. Additionally, some people find that their chronic pain gets worse when they gain weight.

A recent study found that people who were overweight or obese were more likely to experience chronic pain than those who were normal weight. The study was done over seven years and included over 10,000 participants. It found that people who were overweight or obese had higher rates of chronic pain than those who were not overweight or obese. The researchers also found that the risk of developing chronic pain increased as weight increased past a certain point.

Being overweight can cause chronic back pain, knee pain, and other types of joint pain. In addition, if you have extra weight on your body, it puts more pressure on your joints and ligaments and causes inflammation within them as well as in other areas like your back and neck. This can lead to significant amounts of discomfort in those areas as well as further problems down the road if left untreated.

6. Medications

Medications can be effective at treating acute pain, but they don't always work in the long term. They can also cause side effects, which can, in turn, lead to new problems, including chronic pain.

Pain medications, including over-the-counter pain relievers, can be a trigger for some people. If you have been taking pain medication for more than a few weeks, talk to your doctor about how long you should continue taking the medication and what other options may be available to help you manage your pain.


Chronic pain can be hard to accept, and the hardest part of a chronic pain condition is unpredictability. But once you understand it and seek help from a Manhattan pain management specialist, you can work towards finding strategies and treatments to control your chronic pain.

We hope that this article will help you take steps toward being more informed about your chronic pain triggers. And by tracking your triggers, you are more aware of what's happening in your body and can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.


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