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[New York Pain Management] An Overview Of Shoulder Pain Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

shoulder pain relief in Manhattan

So you might be wondering what shoulder pain is. Shoulder pain is the most common type of pain in New York, yet shoulder pain is rarely discussed. Common shoulder pain is a broad term given to pain felt around the shoulder blade and also the back of the upper arm.

However, there are many other types of shoulder, back, or arm pains. Therefore, it is important to understand that shoulder pain can be caused by a wide variety of issues.

Shoulder pain can be a bad thing. It can make you feel miserable, stop you from doing things you enjoy, and negatively impact your overall quality of life. However, there are treatments you can take to prevent shoulder pain from occurring in the first place. Find out everything you need to know about shoulder pain, from common causes and symptoms to New York pain management options.

Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket type joint that allows for a wide range of movement. The ball-shaped head of the upper arm bone fits into a shallow socket in the shoulder blade. This allows your arm to move freely in many directions, making it possible to reach out and grab objects above and below you. This range of motion allows the shoulder to move in almost any direction, making it very useful for activities such as throwing, swinging, and pushing movements.

The shoulder area is an amazing part of the human body. We can lift things with them, throw things and move our arms in so many ways. And at the same time, they are very delicate, highly vulnerable to pain and injury, and are the point of connection between the upper body and lower body.

But what's even more interesting is what happens when something goes wrong. Shoulder problems are not limited to people who exercise heavily or work on their arms daily but stand out as one of the most common reasons why people seek pain management specialist in New York.

The first sign of shoulder pain is a dull ache that gradually worsens over time. The pain may radiate from the front, back, or sides of the shoulder and may become more severe when lifting your arm up over your head.

shoulder pain ny

Other symptoms include:

  • A change in strength or range of motion in your shoulder

  • Pain when touching certain areas on the shoulder

  • Sharp or stabbing pain in the shoulder

  • Pain that radiates down into your arm

  • A feeling of weakness in your arm

  • Difficulty lifting your arm above your head or behind you

  • Stiffness in the shoulder area that lasts for more than a few minutes after waking up in the morning

  • Pain when moving the arm in any direction (such as reaching up over your head)

  • Pain when pressing against something firmly with one arm

  • Pain that gets worse at night and wakes you up at night

If you're experiencing shoulder pain, you may have questions about why it's happening, what you can do to treat the pain and when you should see a pain doctor.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a common type of pain that can make everyday activities like reaching, combing your hair, sleeping, and lifting items uncomfortable. There are many reasons you may be experiencing shoulder pain. Most of the time, the pain is caused by tight muscles, poor posture, and bad technique when working out.

Some of these causes may be very obvious, like if you are in an accident or fall and injure your shoulder. However, it can be difficult to address. Other causes for shoulder pain may not be as apparent and may require some tests to find out what is causing the problem.

For example, you may experience shoulder pain if you:

• use your arm frequently for long periods of time (for example, when you are a chef or a cashier)

• have had an injury to your shoulder

• have arthritis or other problems with the bones in your shoulder

• have poor posture (for example, if you have rounded shoulders)

There are many different causes of shoulder pain, and each patient's situation is unique. However, we have seen many patients with shoulder pain and have found that there are three main areas that need to be addressed when treating shoulder pain:

1. Joint dysfunction: This is usually caused by a muscle imbalance or tightness in your upper back, chest, or shoulders.

2. Muscle tension: This is typically caused by stress, anxiety, poor posture, or trauma to the muscle tissue itself (i.e., a sprain).

3. Nerve compression: This can be caused by several things, including poor posture, repetitive overhead motions (such as throwing a baseball), etc. It is possible that your shoulder is the source of your symptoms. But it's also possible that your shoulder pain is actually referred from elsewhere in your body.

When you have pain anywhere in your body, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint where exactly the pain is coming from. It's even more difficult when the source is somewhere deep inside your body — such as the joints or muscles. In this case, the pain may be referred from another part of your body because nerves connect these areas. These nerves carry signals between different parts of our bodies and allow us to feel sensations like touch and heat. For example, if you have heartburn or acid reflux, you may feel pain in your upper chest when you swallow. This is known as cardiac chest pain, and it can be mistaken for cardiac disease.

pain management

Shoulder pain can be the result of many different things. Don't ignore shoulder pain! It can be a sign of something more serious than simple muscle soreness or inflammation. It's important to rule out any serious problems before you start any treatment.

If you have shoulder pain that lasts longer than a few days, see a pain management specialist in NYC right away. You could have a serious condition that needs treatment right away.

Pain Management Specialist

If you have shoulder pain, it's important to remember that you should never ignore your pain or assume it will go away on its own. It is important to see a pain doctor right away because it could be a sign of a more serious condition. If left untreated, shoulder problems can lead to long-term disability and pain.

If you have shoulder pain, you should see your doctor to find out the exact cause of it. They will examine your shoulder and ask you questions about your medical history and lifestyle. This will help them decide whether there is a specific cause for your problem.

Shoulder pain can be classified as:

Acute (short-term) — the result of injuries, such as a sprain or strain; this type of pain should improve within two to three weeks.

Chronic (long-term) — persistent and ongoing pain that lasts more than three months; this type of pain may be caused by an underlying problem with the joints, muscles, tendons, or nerves around the joint.

If your pain gets worse over time or doesn't improve after a few weeks of home treatment, or if you develop symptoms at night or while resting, contact a pain specialist.

Treatment of Shoulder Pain

If you're living with shoulder pain, you may be wondering how to manage it. It can be frustrating to deal with shoulder pain, but there are many non-surgical treatments available for shoulder pain. However, you may need to try more than one before you find the one that works best for you. The best treatment depends on the severity of your condition, your symptoms, and your lifestyle. The goal of treatment is to reduce your symptoms and prevent further damage.

If you have shoulder pain and you are not getting better with over-the-counter pain medications, a pain management doctor may recommend a cortisone injection. This is an injection of steroids into the joint to decrease inflammation and help reduce pain.

physical therapy

Physical therapy may also be recommended to help improve flexibility and strength in the shoulder joint. A physical therapist can also teach you exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, which help stabilize the shoulder joint.

Good communication between you and your healthcare provider will help ensure that you receive appropriate treatment for your shoulder pain. It's also important to understand what causes your pain so that you can make informed decisions about treatment options.

If you are suffering from shoulder pain, you must see a pain management specialist as soon as possible. A definite diagnosis and treatment start early can reduce the chances of long-term disability or further complications.

Shoulder Pain Relief

As you can see, shoulder pain is a complex issue, with a range of treatments available. In the end, it will come down to communication between you and your doctor to achieve the best possible results. But overall, with the right treatment and care, shoulder pain doesn't have to be a debilitating condition. You should be able to live a full and healthy life, regardless of your shoulder woes.

The right treatment plan can lessen your pain and keep you on track to achieving the movement, strength, and stability you need. And we're here to help. If you're suffering from shoulder pain, check out our New York pain management services. We'll help you on your path to recovery.


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