We have all experienced shoulder pain at one time or another. Some of us may also experience this pain at regular intervals, making it difficult to carry on with our daily routine. But do you know what causes shoulder pain?
Shoulder pain is a common health problem that affects most people at some point in their lives. It can come on slowly or strike without warning, making it difficult for people to move the shoulder joint, reach above the head, or even sleep well.
Therefore, it is important to recognize the causes of shoulder pain in order to get proper treatment from a Manhattan pain management specialist to help relieve your pain and prevent it from returning.
The Shoulder is Not Symmetrical
The left and right shoulders are not identical. The muscles on one side may be stronger than those on the other side, which can cause muscle imbalances that lead to injury. For example, if you have weak rotator cuff muscles on one side of your body, you'll likely experience pain in your shoulder due to overuse of those muscles as you try to compensate for their weakness by using your stronger ones more often.
You may also experience pain in one shoulder due to overuse while lifting heavy objects with both hands because you're using too much force on one side of your body and straining your muscles as they try to compensate for the imbalance between the two sides.
Not Taking Care of Yourself
If you are experiencing shoulder pain on a regular basis, whether it's after an activity that involves your arms or shoulders, then you need to take better care of yourself so that this doesn't continue to happen.
Do not ignore the pain in your shoulders because if left untreated, it could lead to more serious issues down the road, such as rotator cuff tears or arthritis in the joint area, which could make it difficult for you to move around freely without feeling discomfort.
Using Your Shoulders a Lot Every Day

We use our shoulders almost every time we lift something heavy or carry something over our heads — whether it's groceries or a bag. These movements put excessive strain on our shoulders and increase the risk of injury by stretching or tearing the ligaments that stabilize the joint.
If you're experiencing shoulder pain, make sure to discuss the problem with a healthcare provider. Early diagnosis and treatment can help you avoid long-term problems or worsening your condition.
Not Stretching Before or After Exercise
Stretching before and after exercise helps prepare the body for movement and helps prevent injury. If you're not stretching regularly, you're more likely to experience muscle strains or other injuries related to overuse or poor form during exercise.
And, if you're not using proper form when performing exercises like push-ups and bench presses, it can lead to shoulder injuries. Make sure that your posture is correct and that you're not rounding your back or picking up too much weight. Working out too hard can also lead to muscle strains or other injuries and increase your risk of developing shoulder pain later on down the road if you aren't properly warmed up first.
Doing Too Much Too Soon
If you've been sedentary for an extended period of time and trying a new activity or exercise program, don't overdo it at first; otherwise, you might end up with an injury that causes inflammation in your joints or muscles around your shoulders or neck. It's important to take things slow when doing your routine activity again.
Sitting for Too Long
If you spend a lot of time at the computer and sit with poor posture, it's likely that you will experience shoulder pain at some point. When your shoulders are rounded forward, it puts added strain on your shoulders and upper back muscles. This can lead to muscle strain and fatigue, which can make it difficult to move your arms comfortably.
Shoulder injuries
Overuse injuries are those that occur from repetitive movements that cause micro-tears in the soft tissue around your joints (the muscles). This causes inflammation and pain because the body tries to heal these tears but ends up making scar tissue instead. It's important to avoid doing anything that causes pain so that healing can occur without further damage.
An injury to your shoulder may cause you to have pain, stiffness, or weakness in your arm. It may also cause you to lose range of motion in your shoulder joint and experience discoloration around your joint.
If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. There are many different causes of shoulder pain, and some of them can be quite serious.
Trying to Carry Something that is Too Heavy

Carrying something heavy causes strain on your shoulders due to the weight pulling down on them. This strain can lead to chronic pain if you don't take proper care. For example, if you carry a heavy backpack on one shoulder instead of both shoulders, this could cause a lot of pain in the back and neck area. It may even cause numbness or tingling in your arms or hands because the nerves in those areas become compressed.
Lifting Weights Incorrectly
It's not uncommon for people to lift objects improperly when they're trying to be helpful or save money by doing things themselves. But improper lifting can lead to muscle strain or even tears if you're not careful with how much weight you're carrying or how far away from your body you're holding it (for example, carrying something heavy behind your back). So make sure you always use proper lifting techniques whenever possible to avoid injury.
If you bend at the waist when lifting weights from the floor instead of bending from the knees, this puts extra strain on your back as well as your shoulders which could lead to injury such as rotator cuff tendonitis.
Shoulder pain will go away on its own after a few weeks or months. However, some people experience chronic shoulder pain that lasts for longer than six months. After reading this blog, we hope you have a better understanding of your shoulder, its function, and the causes of shoulder pain.
If you are experiencing shoulder pain, a Manhattan pain management specialist can help determine what's causing your pain and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.