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[Manhattan Pain Management] Exploring Common Myths About Knee Pain

Updated: Jun 26

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The knee is one of the most important joints in the human body. Any injury or damage to this joint can be a devastating experience that can drastically change your life and leave you feeling less than others.

When it comes to knee-related myths and misconceptions, there are a lot more than you might imagine. People with knee issues are often stuck in a cycle of knee myths. There are many myths floating around the internet on how to deal with and repair your knees after injury. Some of these myths are well-placed, while others could be doing more harm than good when applied to rehabbing your injured knee.

These myths lead people to believe that knee pain can be fixed with ice packs, support, etc. And even though it might temporarily fix your problem, it will soon return or follow with even more pain. If you're tired of that cycle, then I have great news for you: Knee pain doesn't have to be there.

The knees are considered the most complex joints in the body. However, it's the way they work that makes them complex, which often leads to many knee myths being spread around. There are many myths about knee pain that may lead people to believe that their pain is not real or that it will go away on its own. We break these myths down for you here.

painful knee

Knees are meant to hurt

Pain is a normal part of aging for many people, especially those with arthritis. But if you feel constant pain or discomfort in your knees, it could be a sign that something else is wrong.

The truth is that the knee is not a joint that is meant to be used as an axis of rotation. It has a very complex design, and as such, it's not meant to take a lot of stress or torque on it. When you put too much stress on your knee, it will start to hurt.

Knee pain can also be a symptom of other health conditions, including heart disease, blood clots, and infections. See a Manhattan pain management health professional immediately if you have severe joint pain that doesn't go away within a few days or weeks.

Knee pain means you're getting old

When you're experiencing knee pain, it can be easy to think the worst. After all, joint pain is common and usually means something is wrong. But sometimes, it's just a symptom of aging or a minor injury that will heal on its own.

But that's not always the case. In fact, many people experience pain in their knees because of overuse and improper alignment or strength in other areas of their bodies. This includes the hips, back, and ankles.

In reality, knee pain is a common symptom of aging, but it's not a sure sign that you're getting old. Knee pain can be caused by arthritis, which is more likely to occur as you get older. However, other conditions, such as tendonitis and bursitis, can cause knee pain at any age.

The knee has many small ligaments and tendons that support and stabilize it. Over time, certain activities can damage these structures, causing pain and swelling. It's also possible for people to develop arthritis in their knees later in life.

Knee pain means you need surgery

Some types of knee pain require surgery, but not all of them do! It's important to know the difference between conditions that can be treated without surgery and those that require an operation. Talk to a pain doctor about your treatment options before rushing into an operation or invasive procedure that may not be necessary.

Running will make your knees weak and fragile

This myth has been around for decades, but there's no evidence that it's true. In fact, running strengthens bones over time and reduces the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Running also increases muscle mass, which makes it easier to support your weight and further reduces the risk of falling as you age.

Exercise will cure my knee pain completely

If you have chronic knee pain, exercise isn't a cure-all — but it may improve your symptoms if you do it correctly and consistently over time (see "How Exercise Can Help Ease Chronic Leg Pain"). The key is doing exercises that strengthen muscles around your knees without causing more pain or irritation in your joints.

There's nothing to help with your knees

If you have arthritis or other problems in your knee, you may think that it's too late to prevent further damage or improve mobility. But there are many things that you can do to protect your knees and keep them healthy for as long as possible.

For example, if you have arthritis in the hip area, it's important to maintain good posture when walking in order to place less stress on your joints. You can also try using a cane or other assistive device to take some weight off of your legs. And if you're overweight, losing just 10 pounds can make a big difference in how much stress is placed on your knees by each step you take.

New York pain management

Seek Professional Help

The fact is, there are so many different causes of knee pain that it may seem impossible to know where to start. However, identifying the problem is a big first step to getting help from a pain specialist.

It's important to keep in mind that there are multiple treatment options available at our Manhattan pain management center for managing knee pain, and no one solution will fit every patient. As such, it's essential for patients to work closely with their orthopedists in order to get the most effective treatment plan for their unique cases.

With proper treatment, you can get back to living the way you want to, with as little pain as possible. So don't let knee pain stop you from doing all the things you love.


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