Do you experience leg pain? That random sensation you get up and down your legs when you've been sitting at your desk for way too long or that dull ache after a long run. If you suffer from leg pain, then there is a great chance it's due to known causes.
However, the causes of your symptoms can be more complex than you realize - it's not all due to the fact that you strained your muscles trying to kick an imaginary ball when you were five. And if you're living with a bit of discomfort every now and then, all you want is to be completely pain-free. That's why our New York pain management center is here to help you in every step of your recovery process.
Here are some facts about leg pain that you might not be aware of, but they are important to know when you have pain in your legs.
Leg pain is subjective
Leg pain is subjective, which means that the way your leg feels is unique to you. Each person's threshold for pain is different, although there are some leg pain symptoms that are more common than others. Leg pain can be as simple as a muscle strain or cramp or as complicated as a fracture. The type of leg pain and its severity determine the course of treatment.
Leg pain is a common complaint
Leg pain is a common complaint which means that many people are suffering from leg pain for long periods of time. The pain can vary from mild to severe and can be described as sharp, dull, cramping, aching, burning, or numbness that can affect your ability to move, function, and enjoy life.
Leg pain may be intermittent or continuous
Some people experience sudden episodes of leg pain that last for a few minutes or hours at a time. Others experience a constant ache in one or both legs. If you have intermittent leg pain that comes and goes over time, you should talk with a pain management specialist about what might be causing it so that they can check for signs that it may be something serious.

Leg pain can be the result of many conditions
A number of different conditions can cause leg pain. However, it is usually due to injury or overuse of muscles and tendons in the calf and thigh area. The most common causes of this type of pain are tears of the meniscus (cartilage) in the knee joint and strained muscles in the calf or hamstring muscle groups.
While most leg pain caused by injury or overuse is harmless, it can sometimes be a sign of a serious underlying condition. For example, some chronic inflammatory disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, cause joint inflammation and pain, while others, such as diabetes, can cause nerve damage that may lead to tingling and numbness in the legs.
While many people believe that leg pain is not dangerous, you should always seek medical attention if your leg pain is accompanied by weakness, numbness, or swelling, which can indicate more severe conditions. For example, if you feel a sharp pain in one area of your leg for no reason, this could mean that you have an injury there. So your doctor may order tests like x-rays or MRIs to determine what exactly is causing the problem.
There are several possible causes of leg pain, including:
Injury or trauma – such as a twisted ankle or knee injury
Overuse – such as running or cycling too far or too fast
Inflammation of muscles, tendons or joints – such as shin splints or ankle sprains
Arthritis – especially osteoarthritis of the knees and hips
Sciatica – The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back, through the buttocks and down the back of each leg. Sciatica occurs when this nerve becomes compressed or irritated.
Fibromyalgia – Fibromyalgia causes widespread pain throughout the body, especially in muscles and joints.
Heredity and age – As we age, our bodies often become more susceptible to pain. The same goes for people with a family history of pain in the legs or other areas of the body.
Mental and emotional factors that can also contribute to leg pain
People often think that leg pain is only caused by physical factors, but it's important to know that mental and emotional factors can also contribute to the onset of this condition. Depression, anxiety, stress, and even weight gain are all things that can affect the nerves and muscles in your legs. This is why it's so important to be aware of the different causes of leg pain to be able to recognize the source and treat it as soon as possible.
Sometimes there is no apparent cause for the leg pain
Leg pain does not always mean that you have a serious problem. Many people experience leg pain at some point in their lives, and it usually goes away on its own. However, if you feel pain in your leg without apparent reason and when the problem has been going on for more than six months — it's called chronic. It's best to see a health professional right away to manage it and keep it from affecting your daily life.
Leg pain is not just limited to your legs
Pain can be localized in the leg, or it can radiate down into the foot. It can occur in the legs due to an injury, strain, or overuse. The pain may be sharp and sudden, or it may be dull and achy. Pain in one leg may be caused by conditions affecting many parts of the body, such as the muscles, bones, joints, and nerves. Other symptoms may include swelling, redness, warmth, and tenderness.

Leg pain may occur suddenly or gradually over time
Leg pain may come on after an accident or injury or be chronic — that is, ongoing for months or years without any specific cause being identified. The pain can range from mild to severe, so it's important to know when it is time to see a pain doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal disorders.
It's important to know how and when you feel your leg pain
This will help you determine if there is something wrong with your legs or if it's just a temporary problem that will go away with time. It may not be serious if you feel it only once every few months. However, if you're experiencing this type of pain every day or so, then it may be time to see a pain specialist.
Our Pain Management Center can help
The good news is that leg problems can usually be fixed with pain management strategies, which is why it's important to know the facts about your leg pain and how to treat it properly to prevent major health problems from developing.
It's important to fully understand what type of leg pain you are suffering from so that you can discuss the best treatment plan with your healthcare provider. Contact our New York pain management center as soon as you start experiencing symptoms.