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[Pain Management NYC] Common Mistakes You Should Avoid While Treating Chronic Pain

Updated: Jun 26

chronic pain management

Chronic pain is one of the worst things someone can go through. Not only is it painful and debilitating, but it also greatly affects your life. Chronic pain affects a lot of people in the world, but with the current success rates and the advancements we've made in modern medicine, the pain is no longer as terrifying and horrible as it used to be.

There are many treatments for chronic pain that have been proven to be safe and effective. Such treatments include physical therapy, acupuncture, injections, biofeedback, and cognitive behavioral therapy. However, despite these advances, some people still live their lives in terrible pain. In addition to managing your condition with the help of a pain management NYC specialist, you should be aware of the common mistakes people make when they try to treat their pain.

Unfortunately, these mistakes may affect the effectiveness of your treatment, which means you might not get the most out of your treatment and can even make the problem worse. This article is to help you avoid some common mistakes that can affect your treatment.

Mistaking the pain for something else

If you're experiencing chronic back pain, neck or shoulder pain, or knee or hip discomfort, it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of your discomfort and determine whether these symptoms are being caused by an underlying condition or injury.

Make sure to get an accurate diagnosis from a licensed professional. They will help rule out other potential causes of your discomfort, such as an injury or illness, before deciding on a treatment plan for chronic pain relief.

Only treating the pain and not the other symptoms

depressed woman

Chronic pain is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as sleep problems, mood disorders, and fatigue. Unfortunately, when you focus exclusively on treating the pain itself, you may miss out on addressing these other issues — which could ultimately make your chronic pain worse.

For example, if you have insomnia due to chronic back pain, taking an over-the-counter sleep aid won't help if you're still experiencing problems with your back at night. And if you're depressed because of your chronic shoulder stiffness, antidepressants aren't going to help much either unless they address the underlying issue.

Taking too much medicine

Some people may be tempted to take higher doses of medication than recommended in order to get faster relief from their pain. Taking too many of these drugs without your doctor's knowledge can lead to serious problems with your health.

That's why it's important that your health care provider knows what medications you're taking and how much of them you should be taking at any given time. If you have questions about how much of a particular drug you should take, ask your pharmacist or doctor before taking any more than directed by the label on the bottle or box.

Some treatments don't involve medications, such as physical therapy, acupuncture, and medical massage therapy. These evidence-based treatments can help you manage your condition without increasing your risk of side effects.

Not following through on your treatment plan

One of the most common mistakes people make when treating chronic pain is not following their doctor's instructions for their treatment plan. As a result, you may find yourself back in the doctor's office complaining about your chronic pain again soon enough, trying to get back on track after an injury caused by not following directions correctly.

You need to be proactive about your treatment plan and stick with it even if it's difficult at first and make sure you're working closely with your doctor so they can monitor your progress and adjust your treatment accordingly if necessary.

Not understanding your treatment plan

If you're not sure how to use all of the treatment methods prescribed by your health care provider, you may not get the best results from them. It is important to get as much information as possible about the treatments available so that you can make an informed decision about what course of action will work best for your situation. You don't want to rush into any decisions because it could end up costing you in the long run.

Not communicating clearly or not being honest about your condition

talking to a pain management specialist

This is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to getting effective treatment for your chronic pain. Doctors can't help if they don't have all the information they need about your condition. Unfortunately, some people with chronic pain often have trouble communicating what they're feeling and what they need from their doctors. This can lead to misdiagnoses and ineffective treatment plans.

Be sure to tell your specialist everything they need to know, including:

  • How long you've had the condition

  • What helped relieve it in the past and what doesn't work anymore

  • When symptoms started and how severe they are currently (if possible)

  • What medications you're taking and whether those medications were prescribed for other conditions (such as high blood pressure or depression) or chronic pain management

  • If there's anything else going on with your health (like diabetes)

  • If anyone else in your family has been diagnosed with this type of condition

While most doctors will perform an examination and order diagnostic tests to help them find the source of your problem, there's no substitute for having an honest conversation with your doctor about what's causing your symptoms so they can better treat them.

It's important for your doctor to know about it as much as possible. If you're feeling better, it's important for them to know about that too. The more information they have on what works and doesn't work for you, the better they can tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs.

Thinking that you can't exercise if you have chronic pain

Chronic pain doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise or that you need to stop all physical activity. The truth is exercise can help relieve your chronic pain symptoms. It promotes healing, increases mobility and flexibility, and helps reduce inflammation in your body.

If you're not sure what kind of exercises and activities would be good for you, talk to a physical therapist who can give you personalized advice based on your specific needs. Working with a physical therapist can help you find activities that don't cause more pain and increase your overall fitness level.

Going through physical therapy only once

Physical therapists are trained to treat many different types of problems and injuries, including chronic pain. They can help you learn how to stretch, strengthen and move in ways that will minimize your pain and increase your range of motion. They also can teach you how to manage stress and anxiety, so they don't contribute to your pain or make your symptoms worse.

But if you only see a physical therapist once or twice, you're likely not going to get much benefit from it. In fact, if you've been suffering from chronic pain for years without relief, seeing a physical therapist for just one session is unlikely to change anything significant about your situation.

Not following up with your doctor after treatment sessions

woman with everyday pain

Chronic pain patients often think they don't need regular follow-up visits because their symptoms aren't as bad as they used to be.

However, it's important to keep in touch with your health care provider so that they can monitor any changes in your condition and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

Rushing through the process without giving it enough time

It's important to remember that treating chronic pain isn't something that will happen overnight. Finding an effective treatment plan that works best for you and your unique needs takes time, determination, and patience.

Although it's easy to get frustrated with chronic pain and want to start treatment right away, rushing through the process without giving it enough time can actually do more harm than good for your condition. Unfortunately, when you rush through treatment, you are more likely to miss important steps or overlook certain factors that could make all the difference in your recovery.

Avoid These Mistakes To Manage Chronic Pain Better

Though there are no hard and fast answers as to how to treat chronic pain, you can take some key steps to learn how to manage it. But even when you've found the right treatment, there are still mistakes that many people make that can affect how well they're able to manage their chronic pain.

Treatment for chronic pain can be a long and winding road. Patients often have to try multiple treatment methods before they find what works best for them. And the more you know about what is happening in your body, the better equipped you are to live with chronic pain. It's possible that with the help of a pain management NYC professional, you may find a better treatment method for your chronic pain.


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