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[Pain Management NYC] Everything You Need To Know About Nerve Pain Management

Updated: Jun 26

nerve pain management

If you have pain in your nerve and are looking for the best treatments from pain management NYC, it's time to discover the facts about nerve pain.

Nerve pain is one of the most frustrating conditions because it is non-specific. This means that no two people will experience nerve pain in the same way or even deal with the same set of symptoms from their nerve pain.

We often see people come into our office puzzled and looking worried because they've seen so much conflicting information out there that they don't know if they're making the right decisions. It's not uncommon for someone to incorrectly assume that the cause of their nerve pain is as simple as pinched nerves or a herniated disk. This is why it's important to understand the facts behind nerve pain before jumping to conclusions. The good news is that there are pain treatment options which can help relieve your pain.

What causes nerve pain?

People who suffer from nerve pain often feel hopeless, out of control, and as though they are drowning in despair. The pain of nerve pain has the potential to stop you from living a life that involves the things that you want to do. When nerve pain strikes, it feels like you're being constantly pricked by a thousand needles.

Nerve pain can occur in any part of your body, but it's most common in your hands and feet. This is because the nerves in these areas are more vulnerable to injury because they're covered with skin that's thinner than the skin on other parts of your body.

The nerve damage may be temporary or permanent. If the injury is minor, it usually heals on its own within a few weeks or months. In some cases, it can recur repeatedly or last for months or years at a time. Nerve pain is not always associated with physical impairment, but it can interfere with your ability to perform daily tasks and activities.

Nerve pain can be caused by a number of different things that affect the nerve or nerves in the body. For example, nerves can be damaged by diseases, trauma, or disorders of the muscles and bones that affect how the brain interprets pain signals from the body. They are also susceptible to pressure from surrounding tissues.

nerve pain

Nerve pain caused by disease is called secondary nerve pain. Nerve pain without any known cause is called primary nerve pain. In some cases, it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of your nerve condition because there are many possible causes of nerve pain, such as:

  • Injuries or trauma — Injuries such as whiplash or compression fractures in the vertebrae (bones) of your spine. Injuries to nerves in your back can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in an arm or leg.

  • Chronic illness — Some chronic conditions such as diabetes can damage nerves and cause pain. A rare condition called mono neuritis multiplex causes multiple areas of nerve damage that result in burning pain and numbness.

  • Muscle spasm — Nerve pain caused by muscle spasms typically occurs after an injury to a muscle or tendon. The muscle continues to spasm even after healing has taken place, causing pain and tenderness at the site of injury.

  • Pinched nerve — A pinched nerve occurs when a nerve is compressed between two bones or tissues. This usually happens when there's swelling around the spinal cord or brainstem (brain stem), which results in compression of the spinal cord or brainstem against a bone structure such as the vertebrae (bones of your spine). The result is loss of function.

  • Surgery — Surgery can result in nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness, and tingling sensations. Nerve damage may occur when a surgeon cuts the nerve during an operation. It may also happen when nerves are stretched or compressed during surgery.

  • Disc herniation — when the soft center of an intervertebral disc bulges out through a tear in its outer wall (annulus fibrosus).

  • Cancer or cancer treatment — Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy for tumors in your neck or back region.

  • Arthritis — Inflammation of the joints causes pain and stiffness. Nerves in a joint can be damaged by arthritis in the surrounding joints, resulting in pain and numbness.

  • Diseases that cause neuropathy — nerve damage — are called neuropathies. There are many types of neuropathy, but they all have one thing in common: they cause abnormal sensations or weakness in parts of the body served by affected nerves.

What are the symptoms of nerve pain?

Nerve pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily life, such as when you're sleeping or working. It may also cause you to avoid certain movements or positions because they make the pain worse. This can lead to stiffness and weakness in the area. In addition, it's often described as burning or tingling, and it might get worse when you move a specific muscle or joint. Nerve pain is different from other types of pain. It has a different pattern, a different sensation, and a different cause than tissue-based pain. This kind of pain can be cured by treating the damaged body part.

Nerve damage symptoms vary depending on the area of the body affected but can include:

  • Pain that increases over time.

  • Tingling or burning pain. These sensations are often described as a "pins and needles" feeling.

  • Numbness. Numbness is another common symptom. The numbness may be intermittent or constant and may occur in only one area of your body or affect an entire limb.

  • Muscle weakness or paralysis.

  • Loss of reflexes. Loss of reflexes means that you have difficulty responding to stimuli such as a light touch or an electrical shock. This can be a sign of nerve damage in your spinal cord or brainstem that interrupts messages from your limbs to your brain (called upper motor neuron signs).

  • Loss of muscle strength and tone. Your muscles may feel weak, floppy, and uncoordinated (called lower motor neuron signs).

  • Changes in skin sensation. You might feel like something is crawling on your skin (called paresthesia), or your skin is burning or itching.

  • Changes in bowel and bladder function. Constipation, urinary retention (inability to empty your bladder), and incontinence (inability to control urination).

Nerve pain, sometimes called neuropathy, is among the most common forms of chronic pain. It's a type of chronic pain that affects the sensory nerves or the nerves that control movement, temperature, and skin sensations. That's why it's important to treat your condition as soon as possible and take steps toward managing your condition with the help from pain specialist in New York.

Where to get help for nerve pain management?

Pain management for nerve pain is essential to ensure you live an effective life and are able to socialize, run errands, and maintain your job. Pain medication is a good temporary solution, but as we all know, it doesn't cure the underlying problem. Instead of masking symptoms, pain management for nerve pain treats actual causes of painful conditions so you can live your best quality of life with minimal interference from the pain.

nerve pain management nyc

If you're having persistent nerve pain that isn't explained by another condition, your doctor will help you figure out what's causing it and how to treat it. This may include tests such as blood tests, urine tests, and imaging scans.

Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs don't help with nerve pain because they don't have any impact on the nerves themselves. Pain relievers may help some people with nerve pain, but they usually don't work for long-term relief, and some medications can actually make the pain worse. The good news is that there are several non-drug treatments that can help relieve nerve pain.

Pain management options for nerve pain may include:

Massage therapy: A professional massage therapist can teach you how to do self-massage techniques that will relax tense muscles and improve circulation in your body — both of which are important for relieving nerve pain.

Nerve blocks: A pain doctor may recommend interventional pain management in order to treat your condition using minimally invasive procedures to relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life. It involves injecting medications into the areas near the source of your pain to block the signals traveling along nerves from reaching your brain. This can help reduce symptoms for about six months or more in some people with chronic nerve pain who haven't responded well to other treatments.

Physical therapy: Physical therapists teach you how to use exercise and stretching to ease your pain, improve your range of motion, and increase strength in affected muscles. They may also recommend special exercises that help you stretch your joints so they move more easily and don't become stiffer than normal as a result of long periods of immobility. At the same time, you sleep at night (called "stretch tolerance").

Acupuncture or acupressure: This method involves using needles or pressure points on your skin to stimulate blood flow and release chemicals that promote relaxation and healing.

The pain can be acute or chronic, but it always affects your quality of life. If left untreated for too long, nerve pain can be difficult to treat because it can become permanent damage to your body. Nerve pain is a complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach. The sooner you start treating nerve pain, the better your chances of recovery are. This can help prevent the pain from getting worse and may even allow you to avoid surgery.

If you're searching for treatment options, you've come to the right place. Our comprehensive approach to nerve pain management can help patients find the best treatment that works for them that provides long-lasting relief.

We treat every patient individually, taking into consideration their individual needs and goals while also considering their other health conditions.

Our team of healthcare professionals helps patients identify the source of their discomfort and then performs a thorough examination to determine what treatments will work best for them. Our pain doctor specializes in interventional pain management. We also have physical therapists, massage therapists, and more. If you have nerve pain, we want to hear from you! Call our office or visit our pain management NYC clinic today or schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.


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