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[Pain Management NYC] How Exercise Can Help Ease Chronic Leg Pain

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

chronic pain treatment plan

Wouldn't it be great if you never had to deal with annoying and bothersome leg problems? But unfortunately, the battle to stay active is all too real when you're living with chronic leg pain. Chronic leg pain can be a debilitating experience that affects how you move around daily. Often, there will not be a clear reason or physical reason as to why someone would suffer from chronic leg pain.

If you suffer from chronic leg pain, your first instinct might be to turn to pain relievers. You aren't alone. This has become the standard solution for many people. But as we know, it comes with a long list of potential side effects, like drowsiness and mood changes. However, our pain management NYC center offers safer methods that are effective and don't have side effects for dealing with chronic leg pain.

Exercise is one of the most effective non-drug treatments for chronic pain management. If you want to stop living with leg pain and start living a full and happy life, exercise will help you do so. In this blog, we will discuss why exercise is the best natural treatment option and how it can help you relieve your chronic leg pain.

Chronic Leg Pain is Common

Chronic leg pain can affect anyone at any age and is usually associated with an injury or condition that causes inflammation and irritation of the nerves in the legs.

chronic leg pain

The most common type of chronic leg pain is sciatica. Sciatica is not a single condition but a group of symptoms that occur when the sciatic nerve (the longest nerve in the body) is compressed or irritated. The most common cause of sciatica is spinal stenosis, which occurs when there is a narrowing of the space that surrounds your spinal cord.

This narrowing can occur anywhere along your back, from the neck to the lower back. Spinal stenosis can be caused by injury or degeneration over time — including osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease — but it can also be congenital or present at birth.

The next most common chronic leg pain condition is complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), which causes intense burning sensations and changes in skin color in one limb after an injury or surgery. CRPS symptoms typically get worse over time and last for months or years.

Another common chronic leg pain condition is sciatic neuritis. It develops when inflammation affects one side of the body's nervous system — specifically, its brain stem and spinal cord nerves — causing shooting pains down one leg and numbness in other areas of the body as well.

A Physical Activity Can Help Your Body to Heal

There are many treatment options for managing chronic pain. Exercise is a form of physical therapy used to treat chronic leg pain. It may also be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. The goal of exercise is to help you regain strength and flexibility in your legs. Exercise has been shown to relieve chronic leg pain in many studies. In addition, research shows that it works well for people who have experienced an injury or those with fibromyalgia or other conditions that cause pain.

Exercise has many benefits and by developing a regular exercise plan and sticking with it, you can relieve the pressure on your legs and reduce the severity of your symptoms without side effects. Exercise can also help you manage your symptoms so that you feel more comfortable in your body and less restricted by your condition. Exercise can also improve your mood and energy levels, which may be affected by chronic leg pain.

It is not just about getting fit — it's also about taking care of yourself. It's important to remember this when you're feeling down about being active again after so long! Exercise can be a great way to manage chronic leg pain, but it's important to understand how and why it works.

The Benefits of Exercise

Chronic leg pain is often caused by poor circulation or nerve compression. Pain is a message from your body that something hurts or isn't working the way it should. Exercise can help your body heal and work better by:

Exercise helps increase blood flow and circulation

exercise routine

In addition to the many other health benefits of exercise, it can improve circulation by increasing blood flow to your legs and feet. This helps deliver nutrients throughout your body and removes waste products from tissues.

Blood carries oxygen, nutrients, and other substances to the body's tissues and organs. When you exercise, blood vessels expand (dilate) to allow more blood to flow through. As a result, more oxygen reaches muscles and other tissues throughout your body. This increases their ability to heal faster when injured or damaged. And it improves the efficiency of nerve impulses in your legs and feet, reducing pain signals sent to your brain.

Exercise helps boost energy levels

Exercise helps release endorphins into your bloodstream, creating an "endorphin rush" that temporarily relieves symptoms such as fatigue, decreased appetite, and low mood that are common in people with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis (arthritis is one cause of chronic leg pain).

In addition, the more active you are, the less fatigue you'll experience over time. Exercise increases your energy stores (glycogen stores) in muscle tissue, which gives you more energy during the day so you can do things like work and play with friends without getting tired as quickly as someone who doesn't exercise regularly.

Exercise helps prevent joint stiffness

One of the biggest issues people with chronic leg pain face is joint stiffness. When we don't move enough throughout the day, our muscles become tight, and our joints stiffen up. This causes even more discomfort when trying to move around. Exercising allows us to maintain better flexibility and mobility to avoid this problem altogether or at least minimize it significantly.

Exercise improves strength and mobility

Regular physical activity helps strengthen muscles and balance, improving walking ability and reducing falls that can lead to injury. Exercise also increases bone density, which can reduce the risk of fractures and preventing further damage to your leg and knee.

Exercise eases depression and anxiety

Exercise can help decrease stress and anxiety — two contributing factors to chronic leg pain — and boost self-esteem and self-confidence. When people with chronic leg pain participate in physical activity as part of their treatment plan, they report feeling less depressed and anxious than those who do not exercise regularly. This improvement may be due to an increase in endorphins — brain chemicals that help relieve stress — during workouts or because exercise helps people feel more confident about their bodies and abilities.

Exercise helps increase flexibility

Exercise can improve your flexibility, which may help reduce the pain and stiffness of some chronic leg pain conditions. For example, a study on patients with osteoarthritis found that doing exercises to increase flexibility helped reduce joint pain. And a study on people with low back pain found that doing exercises to increase flexibility helped reduce their symptoms.

Exercise helps improve your balance

improve balance

Balance is important in preventing falls and other injuries that can lead to chronic leg pain, such as hip fractures or knee injuries. Exercise has been shown to improve balance and helpful for patients with chronic leg pain conditions like fibromyalgia and spinal cord injury.

Exercise helps ease pain and inflammation

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to ease pain and inflammation in the body. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for both acute and chronic pain. Exercise can help reduce pain by increasing blood flow and bringing healing nutrients and oxygen to tissues. It also increases the number of endorphins released from the brain, which serve as natural painkillers.

Exercise makes you sleep better

Exercise helps you sleep better, which is important because chronic pain interferes with the quality of your sleep. Exercise can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling better rested than when you don't exercise. Regular exercise also improves the quality of your sleep by reducing stress and anxiety, which can interfere with a good night's rest.

Seek Help from a Physical Therapist

It's important to understand that different types of exercise can have different benefits for people with chronic leg pain. Therefore, if you have chronic leg pain, it is important to consult a physical therapist before starting a new exercise routine or if you have not been exercising regularly for a long period of time.

There are a lot of factors that can cause leg pain, but regardless of the source, physical therapy can be a safe solution for most types of leg pain. A physical therapist is highly trained to analyze your symptoms and help you get back on your feet—literally! It may not be as easy or convenient as popping a pill, but it's worth trying if you want the long-term relief of a healthy body free of pain.

A physical therapist can help you figure out which exercises will be most beneficial for your specific condition and give you the tools to stay active without re-injuring yourself. As part of that process, they'll create an exercise plan for you—a series of stretches, strength training exercises, and aerobic activities that are tailored to your condition and abilities.

They will also teach you how to do those exercises safely and effectively. They will take into account the root cause of your pain, which could be anything from muscle soreness to arthritis. The goal is not just to relieve pain or stiffness but also to relieve every kind of discomfort so you can keep moving and live a fulfilling life.

Types of Exercises

There are many different types of exercises that you can do to help relieve your chronic leg pain. For example:

physical therapy

Stretching exercises. This help maintains flexibility in your muscles and joints by increasing their range of motion — the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion. Stretching exercises can be gentle or vigorous, depending on your condition, but they should never cause pain or discomfort.

Strengthening exercises. These increase muscle strength by engaging the entire muscle group through concentric contraction (shortening) or eccentric contraction (lengthening). Strengthening exercises can help improve balance and coordination as well as reduce pain associated with muscle spasms or weakness associated with muscle atrophy (thinning).

Cardiovascular exercise. This type of exercise raises your heart rate for a sustained period of time through repetitive movement such as running or swimming.

It's best to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you exercise over time. However, keep in mind that some types of exercise might not be right for you or your condition. That's why it is important to see a pain specialist before starting an exercise routine, as this can help you choose the right exercises for your situation.

Chronic Leg Pain Treatment

Physical activity is key when it comes to dealing with chronic leg pains. Regular exercise, walking, and maintaining a healthy diet can help you manage your leg discomfort.

Exercise helps chronic leg pain in a variety of ways. It strengthens the muscles that support your joints, makes muscles less stiff and more flexible, it increases your body's endurance, and keeps your weight under control. While exercise won't cure your chronic leg pain, the improvements you'll experience will undoubtedly make you feel better overall. In addition, you can use it as part of a holistic approach to managing your condition.

If you have ever suffered from this chronic leg pain, our pain management NYC specialists can help you find the right treatment for your specific condition. In addition, they will work with you to develop a routine that can significantly improve your quality of life.


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