The shoulders are one of the most purposeful and important parts of the body. Shoulders help carry the body weight and assist in many daily activities. However, pain in the shoulders can be caused due to various reasons, as we use our shoulders, hands, and arms in everything we do. Therefore, it becomes very difficult to live a normal life when shoulder pain starts bothering us.
A lot of people suffer from pain in their shoulders, and it's a real drag. Fortunately, there are several treatments at our pain management NYC center that can be done to help with that pain which we will discuss in this blog. Also, learn why there are so many causes of shoulder pain to find the best way to resolve them when they happen.
What is Shoulder Pain?
The rotator cuff helps stabilize the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff includes the supraspinatus muscle, infraspinatus muscle, teres minor muscle, and subscapularis muscle. The shoulder provides mobility, allowing us to perform many daily tasks, such as reaching overhead or carrying groceries. It is one of the most complex joints in the body and is particularly prone to injury. Even if you're not an athlete or weekend warrior, there's a good chance you've experienced shoulder pain at some point in your life.
Shoulder pain may occur when you have a rotator cuff tear, a partial or complete tear of one of the four muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. The pain may radiate from the shoulder down your arm and into the hand. Some of the symptoms and problems with shoulder pain are:
Shoulder pain can make it difficult to raise your arm overhead or comfortably at your side.
You may have trouble sleeping on your side and may feel pain when you push or pull something.
You may feel tenderness over the front of your shoulder just below where your arm meets your body (subscapularis muscle).
You might also notice weakness with overhead movement due to partial tearing of one or more rotator cuff tendons.
If you're a woman, your shoulder pain might be worsened by carrying heavy bags or purses over the shoulder.
Shoulder pain is a real problem, especially if left untreated. However, there's no need to live with it all the time if you can find relief with the right treatment plan. If you are experiencing shoulder pain that is not going away on its own, it's time to seek professional help. It's best to seek treatment from a professional who genuinely understands muscles and joints and can treat them accordingly.
How Does Shoulder Pain Happen?
The most common cause of shoulder pain is rotator cuff tendinitis (also known as impingement syndrome). The rotator cuff is another important structure in your shoulder. Your rotator cuff is made up of four muscles that work together to stabilize your shoulder joint and allow you to lift your arm and rotate it inwardly toward your chest and outwardly away from your chest.

Tendonitis occurs when one of your tendons becomes inflamed and irritated. This can be caused by overuse or repetitive motion that causes friction between two bones or tendons in your joints, causing inflammation and irritation of the tendons around the joint. Tendonitis usually affects one side more than the other and may cause swelling, redness, and tenderness around your joint, where it connects to bone or muscle tissue.
If you have injured one or more of these muscles, you may experience pain when lifting something heavy or doing certain exercises such as push-ups or bench presses.
The shoulder is a complex joint made up of three bones (the clavicle, scapula, and humerus) and many different muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Shoulder pain can be caused by injury or overuse, but it may also have another cause.
Overuse injuries usually happen when you do repetitive movements with poor posture or technique over time. For example, if you consistently lift something in an awkward way that strains your shoulders, you risk straining muscles or tendons (the tissue that connects muscle to bone). Or, if you're a desk worker who sits hunched over a keyboard all day, you'll likely develop neck and shoulder pain from poor posture.
Some people develop symptoms after an injury that causes swelling or bruising, while others don't experience any symptoms until weeks later when muscle spasms begin affecting their range of motion and strength. If left untreated, these injuries can result in scarring and stiffness that make it difficult to move normally.
Bursitis (inflammation of a bursa) can develop if your tendon rubs excessively against bone surfaces or if there's too much friction between tendons rubbing together inside their bursae. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions tendons and joints — especially where they move over bone surfaces.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is another condition that can affect your shoulders and lead to pain in this area. RA is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation throughout your body's joints, including those located within your shoulders.
Shoulder pain is a common condition and can be caused by a number of factors. Some causes are easy to identify, while others may require a more thorough examination. When you are suffering from shoulder pain, it can be very frustrating. You may feel like there is no end in sight to the problem and that your life will never get back to normal.
However, it is important to remember that there are ways to get relief from shoulder pain. There are several ways to relieve shoulder pain, and the most effective treatment varies depending on the cause of your pain.
How to Fix Shoulder Pain?
People who have arthritis often experience pain when they move their arms through their full range of motion. The good news is that there are several techniques that can help relieve your discomfort. With the right treatment plan, most people with shoulder pain can find relief.
It's important to see a pain specialist about shoulder pain that lasts more than a few days or causes swelling or redness. In addition, it's important to see a pain specialist about your condition determine if your discomfort is caused by something more serious than arthritis and what treatment options are best for you.
There are many treatments for shoulder pain available today, including non-surgical. Pain specialists will consider all factors when making a recommendation for treatment, including your age and overall health, the extent of your pain, and any other medical conditions.
One treatment for shoulder pain is physical therapy. It is often recommended as part of an overall treatment plan for patients with chronic or acute shoulder pain who don't require surgery. Physical therapists are trained to help people manage their pain in a safe way. They will teach you exercises to strengthen your muscles around the joint, which can help reduce pressure on the joint itself and reduce pain.
The physical therapist will develop an exercise program specifically tailored to your needs that can strengthen muscles surrounding the joint and improve the range of motion. It will help improve flexibility in the neck, back, and chest muscles so that these areas do not contribute to additional stress on your shoulders.

Another treatment for shoulder pain is chiropractic care. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate bones in order to relieve pressure on nerves and other structures in the body that cause pain. If you have injured one or more of your rotator cuff tendons, then chiropractic adjustments can help restore the range of motion in your arm(s).
Injections of corticosteroids can provide relief from shoulder pain that is caused by inflammation or bursitis (an inflamed fluid-filled sac). Corticosteroid injections are usually used when other treatments haven't worked. Injections should only be given by a highly trained professional who can accurately diagnose and treat problems with the shoulder joint.
Injections are also often used before surgery or as an alternative to surgery because they temporarily numb the area around damaged tissue so patients can move their arms without feeling pain during daily tasks such as brushing teeth or eating dinner. Injections also allow patients to continue with their normal activities while waiting for their bodies natural healing processes to kick in and reduce swelling over time.
Medical massage is a great way to help with shoulder pain. It can relax muscles and decrease inflammation that causes stiffness and soreness in the joints. Medical massage should be done by a licensed therapist who has advanced training. The act of massaging tight muscles helps break down scar tissue and adhesions that form between muscle fibers after an injury or overuse. This can relieve pain by reducing inflammation around the joint capsule, giving you more mobility in your shoulder joint and increased range of motion in your arm movement.
Why Suffer from Shoulder Pain When You Can Treat it?
Ultimately, the best way to address shoulder pain is to identify the cause. Once you know what's causing your pain and how best to treat it, you can create an effective treatment plan that includes stretches, massages, or other techniques for lasting relief. In other words, the best treatment will be tailored to the individual.
If you've been suffering from shoulder pain, don't try to fix it on your own. Instead, see a pain management NYC expert from our center, like a physiatrist or chiropractor, who can diagnose your condition and create a specific treatment plan to get your pain under control and live a fully functional life again.
You don't need to suffer from shoulder pain. With a little work and dedication, you can alleviate your shoulder pain and return to a full range of motion in your shoulders.