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[Pain Management NYC] Wrist Pain Causes and Symptoms

Writer's picture: All of PainAll of Pain

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

wrist pain management new york

Have you ever experienced wrist pain? If you are experiencing any kind of wrist pain, this is going to be for you. It is important that you understand that we all have the potential to develop problems with our wrists and hands. And don't let anyone tell you that you're not supposed to feel pain in your wrist. We all do. The difference is how we deal with such pain.

It's easy to dismiss wrist pain as a condition that won't affect you. After all, it's not like your knees are sore, or your back is aching — it's your wrists! However, chronic pain in the wrists can be just as debilitating as it can be torturous. Unfortunately, wrist pain is becoming more and more common in NYC because of the type of lifestyle we lead.

When it comes to wrist pain, the problem is that they often don't know how to address it properly. So if you are struggling to keep your wrists healthy, you might not be addressing the issue adequately. But with the tips and advice in this guide, you will learn more about avoiding and getting rid of painful wrists once and for all with pain management NYC services.

What is a Wrist?

The wrist is a body part in the upper limb of vertebrates. It is composed of small bones that connect the forearm to the hand and enables movement of the hand and fingers. It's the joint between your hand and your forearm. It's a flexible joint that allows you to bend your fingers and rotate your arm. Both movements are important for basic functioning (if you couldn't bend your fingers or rotate your arm, it'd be hard to type on a computer) and more complex actions like knitting, playing the guitar, and even typing by touch. Unfortunately, the bones in the wrist are small, and the tissue around them is not very strong. It means that if you have weak wrists, you are more likely to experience pain than someone with strong wrists.

What Are The Symptoms of Wrist Pain?

wrist pain management

Wrist pain can range from mild to severe. The severity depends on the cause of your pain and how long you've had it. Wrist pain may be constant or intermittent and may come on suddenly or gradually over time.

The following information can help you recognize wrist pain symptoms:

  • You might notice tenderness in one spot or all over your wrist.

  • Wrist pain may be accompanied by redness, swelling, numbness or tingling sensations in your hand.

  • Pain while performing certain activities such as lifting something heavy may indicate strained muscles in or around your wrist joint.

  • Make it often dull, aching, throbbing, or sharp pain.

  • Pain may be worse at night when you are resting in bed or it may wake you up from sleep.

  • If the pain is milder and doesn't wake you up at night, then you might not even notice it until your hand hurts during the day when you are using it.

  • Pain when gripping objects such as a baseball bat or tennis racket

The effects of wrist pain can be seen in many aspects of your life, including your work, hobbies, and physical activities. Wrist pain can affect the way you do things in your daily life. It can also cause you to feel frustrated and irritable, which may lead to mood issues. Wrist pain can also be caused by arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Wrist pain can lead to more severe issues in your body if not addressed by a pain management specialist in NYC immediately. In addition, the longer you wait, the more likely it is that your wrist will become damaged and unable to heal on its own.

Wrist pain can also lead to other problems such as:

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulders and back pain

  • Poor sleep quality

What Causes Wrist Pain?

Wrist pain is one of the most common complaints and can affect anyone at any age, both in the workplace and at home. It can occur on its own or as part of a complex problem.

Pain in the wrist can be a difficult problem to diagnose and treat because the wrist is made up of many joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves, which means it's incredibly complex and that any number of problems could be causing pain. There are multiple ways to get pain in the wrist, including falling on or twisting your wrist or hand; having something heavy fall on it; injuring your arm or hand with an impact.

If you're experiencing wrist pain, it's important to identify the cause so that it can be treated properly. Here are some common causes:

  • Repeating the same movement over and over again can lead to strain and inflammation of tendons and muscles without taking any breaks between sessions. For example, if you play tennis every day and never give your wrist rest during those sessions, it will eventually become inflamed and painful because it's not used to being worked so hard on such a frequent basis. Examples include using a computer keyboard, typing on a cell phone, or texting on your smartphone.

  • A blow or injury to the wrist can cause damage to ligaments, tendons, or cartilage within the joint. This may not be immediately apparent but can develop into chronic pain over time if not treated properly by a pain management professional trained in this area.

  • Tendons connect muscles to bones and help them move. Tendonitis occurs when tendons become inflamed from overuse or injury. Tendons around the wrist can become inflamed if you use them too much or incorrectly, such as throwing a ball too hard or typing at a computer all day.

  • Wrist pain can also be caused by an underlying condition such as arthritis or diabetes. People who suffer from these conditions may experience more discomfort in their wrists than others because of the inflammation or damage that occurs within the joint. If you suspect an underlying medical condition causes your wrist pain, make sure to see a pain management doctor immediately for treatment recommendations.

If you have wrist pain, no matter what kind it is or where it's coming from, it's essential to seek medical treatment as soon as possible so that a pain management specialist can determine the underlying cause of your pain. If left untreated for too long, wrist pain can cause permanent damage.

Avoid Wrist Pain

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Wrist pain can sometimes be alleviated with lifestyle changes. First, you should keep your wrists straight whenever possible. The best thing to do is to avoid wrist injury in the first place by paying attention to your wrists. This means avoiding activities requiring bending your wrists or flexing them forward.

Also, avoid repetitive movements that cause stress on the joints or tendons of your hands and wrists. If your wrists are hurting, you should consider taking a break. Even if you're working on an important project and can't afford to do so, you should do it anyway. Don't push yourself beyond your limits because it's not good for you. And while I know this is easier said than done, make sure to rest your wrists at every opportunity. But when self-care doesn't help, then it's time to see a pain management specialist today.

Wrist pain is a common condition that many different factors can cause. There are many ways to manage wrist pain, and the best pain treatment depends on the cause of your symptoms. It is important to have an accurate diagnosis in order to treat the underlying cause of your pain.

Pain management is a combination of treatments that may include medication and therapy. If you have wrist pain and have been experiencing wrist pain for more than three weeks, you should see a pain management doctor right away because it can be a sign of something serious.

More often than not, exercises and physical therapy are the keys to long-term relief, so if your pain management provider recommends these methods, don't hesitate to follow through. For most people, wrist pain comes with age and is an unwelcome but natural aspect of life. But when it starts compromising your productivity at work or outdoors activities like knitting or gardening, that's when you should start looking into ways of alleviating your suffering before turning to surgery as a last option.

I hope the above has given you some knowledge about pain and stress that might be associated with wrist pain. Although there are plenty of options for pain management NYC out there, finding the one that works for you can be pretty tricky. Just remember to approach your health care team open-mindedly and share any concerns regarding your condition.


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